


2, 20 lbs beef, soft
1 package pasta
4 large, ripe tomatoes in a blender
1/2 + 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp sugar (only if fresh tomatoes)
Salt and Pepper
4-5 grains allspice
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 bay leaves
1 + 2 cups hot water
1 cube chicken knor
Grated Parmesan cheese (or cheese)


Wash the meat thoroughly, cut into pieces and pat dry.
Pour the wine into a pot and sauté the meat from all sides, until the wine evaporates.
Add the tomatoes, sugar, salt, pepper, a glass of hot water and other spices.
Once it starts boiling, add the oil, (one of the two halves), lower heat and cook for as long as necessary (about 25-30 minutes, or as needed to soften the meat well).

In a clay pot or Pyrex, pour the contents of the pot with the meat and sauce, add two cups of warm water that have dissolved in the cube KNOR, add the pasta, so go everywhere evenly, add another 1/2 cup oil per well and then cover with foil. (If we put in a clay pot with a lid, then cover with lid)
Preheat the oven and put it at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Just before we expose the food is cooked, stir, sprinkle with grated cheese, toss again, sprinkle the surfaces with cheese and continue baking until cheese is melted to make crust and get a golden color.


- When you expose the food, see if you need extra water.
- The oil can drop last to be "alive" and not lose its properties and aroma
- In all my meals using Coarse Sea Salt.
- Salt to watch because the cube is salty Knor

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